Livestock for sale
Teaser Rams

teaser rams for sale
Shetlands make ideal teasers rams. Strong ‘goers’ from their first year and economical grazers year-round with minimum winter feed required (hay during very poor weather).
Ideal for concentrating lambing to a single 18+ day cycle, we recommend one teaser to 20 ewes, introducing the teasers for the 14-day period prior to tupping.
Certified organic and born on the holding.
Teasers are vasectomised by our farm vets and tested prior to sale. We will also agree with you and our vets a plan for pre-movement testing and vaccination (as required) and provide full details of all previous testing and vaccinations etc.
Click HERE for more details on Shetland sheep.
Please contact us for further details on sheep sales, stock enquiries and further information.